14 Gadgets to Relieve Fibromyalgia Pain

Women with fibromyalgia can worsen their muscle pain by doing even the simplest tasks like putting on socks or cooking a light meal. But these daily activities are unavoidable. So, we have gathered 14 gadgets that will help you ease your muscle pain throughout the day. With the symptoms of fibromyalgia, like fatigue and constant … Read more

7 Toxic Everyday Products That Can Worsen Fibromyalgia

Generally, there are around 16% of fibromyalgia sufferers who also suffer from Multiple Chemical Sensitivity (MCS). It is a common condition that shows symptoms such as pain in joints, exhaustion, headaches, pain in the abdomen and brain fog, etc. MCS can be triggered easily by exposure to chemicals in the products we use and the … Read more

Ten Foods High in Magnesium

Magnesium is the mineral that keeps us healthy, fit and full of energy. It is necessary for many enzymatic reactions in the body. And, enzymes play an important role in processes like conversion of energy from carbohydrates, fats, and proteins. Moreover, enzymes control blood sugar balance, bone health, and the proper nervous system. It plays … Read more

How can CBD help with fibromyalgia?

Cannabidiol (CBD) is one of more than 100 chemical compounds derived from cannabis. Moreover, according to research, the cannabidiol may help people with fibromyalgia. A review from 2013 states that cannabidiol (CBD) can help to relieve pain caused by fibromyalgia. Moreover, some other conditions including rheumatoid arthritis and multiple sclerosis (MS) can also be cured by cannabidiol. The United States Food and … Read more

Pain Patch For Fibromyalgia And Nerve Pain

Pain Patch For Fibromyalgia – Numerous scientific studies have confirmed the miraculous effects of cannabis. The restrictions are being reduced to a great extent now. There are recognized over 85 cannabinoids. Our nervous and digestive systems have their own endocannabinoid receptors. Moreover, they play an important role in our body, regulating appetite, movements, sleep, and … Read more

Foods Likely to Make Fibromyalgia Symptoms Worse

Sensitivity to pain is a well-known symptom of fibromyalgia. A lesser-known symptom is an enhanced sensitivity to various substances, including food. An anti-inflammatory diet and being aware of food sensitivities can help people with fibromyalgia get the most out of their food while avoiding symptom flare-ups. The following are the foods that make fibromyalgia symptoms … Read more

Best and Worst Foods for Fibromyalgia Pain

Fibromyalgia may have a few medical treatments yet expensive ones. But scientists alongside does recommend natural ways to control the pain. There is no specific food to prevent fibromyalgia pain, although doctors do advise a few modifications in your diet. These modifications, however, make a huge difference in controlling the frightening symptoms and pain. In … Read more

Finding the Right Bra for Fibromyalgia and Costochondritis

If your Bra is causing you more Fibromyalgia Pain, you could be suffering from Costochondritis. Apart from the common symptoms of fibromyalgia, many fibro patients also suffer from another condition known as Costochondritis. Women experience pain in breasts and ribcage by wearing a bra. In this condition, wearing the right bra for fibromyalgia can be helpful … Read more