FDA Warns About Dangers of Epidural Steroid Injections for Back Pain

The Food and Drug Administration has just issued what’s called a “Medwatch Alert” warning that Epidural steroid injections or “ESIs” for back and neck pain can be extremely dangerous. The alert says: “Injection of corticosteroids into the epidural space of the spine may result in rare but serious adverse events, including loss of vision, stroke, paralysis, and … Read more

What is Synesthesia? How it is Linked Fibromyalgia.

By: BY WYATT REDD We usually think of ourselves as having five senses: touch, taste, smell, sight, and hearing. But for some people, it’s a little more complicated. If you have a condition known as synesthesia, you might actually taste things that you see, or feel things that you hear. Or you may even see … Read more

6 Aspects of Fibromyalgia Doctors Don’t Share

By: Brandy Hend Chronic, widespread pain, muscle spasms and weakness, migraines, morning stiffness, sensitivity to touch, insomnia, and brain fog are recognizable symptoms of fibromyalgia. But these are not the only struggles associated with the syndrome. Here are 6 aspects of chronic illness the doctors don’t share with you. Shame Being diagnosed with a chronic … Read more

30 Things People Don’t Realize You’re Doing Because of Chronic Pain

By: Paige Wyant via- The Mighty Developing a chronic pain condition may require you to make a number of changes to your lifestyle and daily routine. Activities such as standing, sitting or talking with a friend may trigger pain flares, thus requiring certain accommodations or coping techniques. Everyone has different ways of managing their pain, … Read more

12 Things People Do That Make Fibromyalgia Worse

Are you unwittingly making your fibromyalgia pain worse? Believe it or not – most of us that suffer from chronic pain inadvertently aggravate our pain day in and day out. And the ways we’re doing it might surprise you. From putting off that doctor visit to eating foods that increase your sensitivity to pain (and everything in between) – … Read more

At-Last Courts Confirmed that Fibromyalgia is a Reason to Declare Permanent Disability

The Social Chamber of the TSJ of Catalonia has considered in a recent judgment, S 1403/2015, of 24 February (Rec. Suplicación 6239/2014), fibromyalgia and chronic fatigue syndrome (CFS) is grounds for declaring the “permanent disability”. The statement refers to a case of a woman, operaria chemical industry, which suffered a picture of recurrent major depression … Read more

17 of the Worst Symptoms of Fibromyalgia (and How People Deal With Them)

Author: Erin Migdol (Staff of theMighty.com) Fibromyalgia manifests itself in different ways for different patients, but most can agree that all the symptoms are life-altering. It’s not always clear how (or if) they can be treated, and the physical challenges can all too easily turn into emotional challenges as the things you used to do become more and … Read more