How Cupping Could Bring Relief for Fibromyalgia

Fibromyalgia Cupping – Cupping is a treatment for chronic pains just like acupuncture and it comes from Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM). Researchers say that it has been used back to at least the fourth century. Moreover, it is gaining public acceptance and the attention of some medical practitioners in the West. Furthermore, Awareness was dramatically … Read more

Lady Gaga Irritated by People who Don’t Believe Her Fibromyalgia is Real

After the confession of Lady Gaga about her fibromyalgia, she got pissed-off from the criticism of people. Lady Gaga revealed that she is suffering from fibromyalgia disease. This disease can cause exhaustion, unbearable muscle pain, and memory and mood problems. Gaga used to express people that her mental and physical condition was getting worse day … Read more

12 Things People Do That Make Fibromyalgia Worse

Are you unwittingly making your fibromyalgia pain worse? Believe it or not – most of us that suffer from chronic pain inadvertently aggravate our pain day in and day out. And the ways we’re doing it might surprise you. From putting off that doctor visit to eating foods that increase your sensitivity to pain (and everything in between) – … Read more

How to Lose Weight When You Have Fibromyalgia

By Addison Johnson Losing weight with fibromyalgia can be a struggle, but it doesn’t have to be. In the United States, there are at least five million adults who struggle with the debilitating disease of fibromyalgia. Many of these sufferers are also overweight or obese. Often, being overweight or obese is a symptom of the … Read more