Effect of Fibromyalgia on Eyes

Fibromyalgia affects the nervous system, which might have an influence on the muscles responsible for eye movement. The disorder makes nerves more sensitive, which can lead to a variety of eye-related problems. Here are some of the most prevalent visual concerns associated with fibromyalgia.

Dry Eyes:

A common issue for people with fibromyalgia is dry eyes. The condition can dry out the mucous membranes in your eyes, nose, and mouth. This can be especially uncomfortable for contact lens wearers. Using eye drops, especially those with vitamin A, can help keep your eyes moist and reduce discomfort.

Blurred or Double Vision:

Fibromyalgia may also make blurred or double vision. This makes it difficult to concentrate on activities such as reading, driving, or daily work. Vision clarity might alter from day to day. Some people may even require regular changes to their eyeglass prescriptions. If you detect visual changes, see an optometrist to manage the symptoms and find a solution.

Light Sensitivity:

Many people with fibromyalgia are more sensitive to light, a condition known as photophobia. This sensitivity can cause discomfort in both indoor and outdoor settings. Wearing sunglasses, even indoors, may help ease the pain. Special glasses designed for screen use or driving may also be useful. Talk to your eye doctor about options to reduce this light sensitivity.

Floaters and Flashes:

Some fibromyalgia patients may experience “floaters” or flashes of light, similar to what occurs during a migraine. These visual distortions might be concerning, especially when no physical light source is to blame. If you encounter this, you should consult your doctor. Getting enough sleep and relaxing your eyes during the day might assist to decrease eye strain.

Eye Pain

Some individuals with fibromyalgia report feeling pain around the eyes or even within the eye itself. This could be a result of nerve hypersensitivity, which is common in fibromyalgia. Painful sensations can extend beyond muscles and joints, affecting the eyes.

Migraine-related Eye Issues

Fibromyalgia is linked to a higher occurrence of migraines and tension headaches, which may be associated with visual disturbances like Aura (flashes of light, blind spots), Eye strain or discomfort, especially when using screens for extended periods.

Difficulty with Eye Movements

Some individuals with fibromyalgia experience difficulty moving their eyes smoothly or have discomfort when shifting focus between objects, especially in cases of fatigue or cognitive overload.

Managing eye health with fibromyalgia requires regular check-ups with your optometrist. Simple changes, like using eye drops, wearing protective glasses, and giving your eyes rest, can make a big difference.

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