The 6 Different Stages of Fibromyalgia, I have 3 Stage. What’s Your Stage ?

When being diagnosed with Fibromyalgia, one of the first thoughts to go through your head is, ‘Is this illness progressive?’ Many Doctors have done research into whether Fibromyalgia is a progressive illness like it’s sister illnesses MS and Lupus. However the jury is still out on this and many doctors will tell you that Fibro is … Read more

How Dysphagia and Fibromyalgia are Connected

Dysphagia is a medical term that means that a patient has difficulty swallowing. There are a number of different conditions that can cause dysphagia. And someone who suffers from dysphagia often finds that it makes life very difficult. Depending on their condition, swallowing can be very painful, which makes eating and getting enough nutrition a challenge. … Read more

What is Synesthesia? How it is Linked Fibromyalgia.

By: BY WYATT REDD We usually think of ourselves as having five senses: touch, taste, smell, sight, and hearing. But for some people, it’s a little more complicated. If you have a condition known as synesthesia, you might actually taste things that you see, or feel things that you hear. Or you may even see … Read more

17 of the Worst Symptoms of Fibromyalgia (and How People Deal With Them)

Author: Erin Migdol (Staff of Fibromyalgia manifests itself in different ways for different patients, but most can agree that all the symptoms are life-altering. It’s not always clear how (or if) they can be treated, and the physical challenges can all too easily turn into emotional challenges as the things you used to do become more and … Read more

Dizziness, Balance and Falls During Fibromyalgia Flares

By Adrienne Dellwo In fibromyalgia, dizziness, poor balance, and falls are common complaints. For some people, they’re a minor annoyance that crops up on occasion. In others, they can be severely debilitating and lead to regular injuries. Falling, and especially falling frequently, is a serious problem. The last thing you need when you’re already in constant pain … Read more

43 Symptoms of Fibromyalgia – Anyone With Muscle Pain Should Read This

Fibromyalgia is, unfortunately, a common issue which affects 3-5 million people, or 1 in every five people. This syndrome is characterized by debilitating pain in the entire body. Yet, chronic muscle pain does not necessarily mean that you suffer from fibromyalgia, as this condition leads to other symptoms as well. Yet, if your muscles ache … Read more

7 most common fibromyalgia symptoms in women

In Lady Gaga’s Netflix documentary, Gaga: Five Foot Two, the first scene shows the singer’s muscles being stretched and prodded on a massage table. It’s one of the ways she deals with fibromyalgia, a condition that causes chronic pain all over the body. It’s not known what causes the condition, and there’s no cure. That can … Read more